By Marissa Wells
Contributing Writer
Sophie, a little girl, has lost a tooth. She’s one of the first students in her class to lose a tooth and her classmates are excited for her.
Sophie realizes that the more teeth she loses, the more tokens she gets from the token fairy. Her scheme works until something unexpected happens.
Find out what in the “Sneaky Sophie & The Token Fairy” by Angela Orams.
The new children’s book was inspired by Orams’ own fascination with the concept of the “tooth fairy.”
“I liked the idea of getting money after losing a tooth,” said the author. “Although my Nigerian parents were loving and nurturing, we didn’t have a ‘tooth fairy.’ Many times I would leave a tooth under the pillow before going to bed, and then wake up the next morning to see the tooth still there.”
Orams says there is an element of Sophie — the main character in the book — in all children.
“Most children have a trigger in their mind where they’re like ‘I’m not going to do that thing because it’s bad and the consequences aren’t worth it,’ but Sophie doesn’t have that trigger,” Orams said. “Sophie’s like, ‘What’s the worst that can happen and let’s just see.’”
“Sneaky Sophie & The Token Fairy” is intended for children aged 4-9 and it’s the author’s hope that her book teaches an important lesson about service.
“My desire is for children to see that giving can be more rewarding than receiving,” Orams said. “When we do something nice for others, that feeling of happiness we get inside ends up giving us more in return.”
With each book purchase there’s a kit that comes with a token bag and two types of tokens to go inside.
“The golden token can be given to a child whenever they lose a tooth and the silver token is to be given to a child for doing something thoughtful for someone else,” Orams said.
In addition to being an author, Orams is a nurse. She is based in Los Angeles.
For more information about the author and her work, visit Also check out more “Sneaky Sophie” content on YouTube: Sneaky Sophisms.
“Sneaky Sophie & The Token Fairy” will be available for $24.95 on Amazon just before the holidays.