Wave Staff Report
LYNWOOD — The Lynwood Unified School District began the 2024-25 school year with a new dual language immersion program at Mark Twain Elementary School, providing students in transitional kindergarten and kindergarten with the opportunity to build their bilingual, biliteracy and bicultural skills from an early age.
“We are so excited about the growth of the [dual language] program in Lynwood Unified, where native Spanish speakers and native English-speaking students learn to read, write and communicate in both languages, boosting their literacy and language development skills,” said Martha Clarin, the district’s dual language immersion program’s instructional lead. “Our ultimate goal is for every student in the program to graduate with the Seal of Biliteracy and thrive in a multicultural, globalized world.”
Mark Twain Elementary becomes the second school in Lynwood to offer the dual language immersion program following the successful implementation at Will Rogers Elementary School, which in the 2023-24 school year celebrated 10 years as a dual language school community.
“Students are stronger when they have two languages,” said teacher Nau Lezama, whose two children are enrolled in the program at Will Rogers Elementary. “It’s beyond amazing. Even if your home language is not Spanish, or you’re second- or third-generation and your Spanish is not as strong, it is still possible to learn both languages. It’ll benefit you, your children, your family, everyone.”
Limited enrollment is still available for the dual language classes at Mark Twain, offering families the opportunity to participate in this proven model of bilingual education and ensure their children succeed in college, career and life. Families interested in giving their children a jump start in both English and Spanish are encouraged to act quickly to secure their spot.
“One of the most important things for families to know about our dual language program is that they don’t need to be a native Spanish speaker to join,” Superintendent Gudiel R. Crosthwaite said. “Our program is designed so that students learn and grow together, becoming bilingual side by side. With the dedicated support of our teachers and staff, every student in the program receives the guidance they need to succeed in both English and Spanish and that’s what we want for all Lynwood Unified students.”
For questions and enrollment information, contact Martha Clarin at mclarin@mylusd.org or call 310 603-1500.