Black Leadership Council honors state constitutional officers

By Antonio Ray Harvey 

Contributing Writer

SACRAMENTO — The Black Leadership Council honored Secretary of State Shirley Weber, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond and Controller Malia Cohen June 19 during its Juneteenth Legislative Awards Luncheon.

Along with other awardees, California’s three Black constitutional officers were honored for their dedication to excellence, vision for equality and awareness of political rights. The awards presentation was held at the Sutter Club near the State Capitol.

The state’s other constitutional officers are Gov. Gavin Newsom, Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalikis, Attorney General Rob Bonta, Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, State Treasurer Fiona Ma and the four members of the state’s Board of Equalization.

“It was a wonderful event. Well done,” Weber said. “They’ve honored some wonderful people. I am just proud to be a part of the list.”

Other honorees included Flojaune Cofer, policy director, community advocate and mayoral candidate in Sacramento; and Tomiquia Moss, who was appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom as the secretary of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency last November.

Tiyesha Watts, a legislative and policy analyst for the California Academy of Family Physicians, was the youngest of the six honorees. She is an outspoken advocate for people in socio-economically disadvantaged communities.

Tasha Henneman, chief of policy and government affairs for the Positive Resource Center, shared that she admired Watts’ leadership and knowledge of the legislative process.

“I was immediately impressed by her intellect, professionalism, grace and confidence from providing expert testimony on a bill or just in a ‘me too’ moment, or just facilitating a meeting with a physician or budget staff,” Henneman said.

Black Leadership Council co-chairs Brett Andrews, interim CEO of All Home; and Felton Institute CEO Al Gilbert provided opening remarks, along with Positive Resource Center CEO Chuan Teng and board treasurer Darren Smith.

Kapri Walker, chair of the California Legislative Black Staff Association, addressed the need for more Black legislative staff. Walker, who is from San Diego, is a former capital Senate fellow. She said her association is currently raising money to fund interns.

Henneman referred to Walker as a “generational leader.”

“We are trying to strengthen the pipeline of young Black talent into positions of power,” Walker said.

The Black Leadership Council is a group of leaders whose work involves improving the conditions for Black Californians and other vulnerable populations across the state in housing, education and health care. by removing institutional barriers based on race, class, color and zip codes.

The council is co-sponsoring two pieces of legislation, Assembly Bill 2465, authored by Assemblyman Mike Gipson, D-Gardena, and AB 2250, authored by Assemblywoman Akilah Weber, D-La Mesa). 

AB 2465 would level the playing field by requiring specific state agencies to implement equity in a specific set of grant programs where people of color and diverse-led organizations are underrepresented or non-existent. The Senate Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Water voted to advance the bill June 17.

AB 2250 would require a health care service plan contract or health insurance policy to include coverage for screenings for social determinants of health. It would also provide access to community health workers, promoters, representatives, peer support specialists, lay health workers, and social workers.

The Senate Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Water passed AB 2250, but the legislation has been placed in the suspense file while its fiscal impact is being reviewed.

In addition to the Legislative Awards Luncheon, the Black Leadership Council was at the State Capitol to commemorate Juneteenth by participating in “Black in Action Advocacy Day,” organizers said.

Antonio Ray Harvey is a reporter for California Black Media.

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