By Marissa Wells
Contributing Writer
“Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation,” by Shelley McIntosh, is a moving story chronicling the author’s life from 1971 to 2000 as she aided in creating institutions to meet the needs of black people.
It tells a story that McIntosh knew needed to be shared with the world.
“I felt compelled to share the story of how the Black Christian Nationalist Movement essentially changed my life as well as countless others,” said the author.
Aspects of the movement McIntosh highlights include the transformation of Black people, the creation of institutions to meet the needs of Black people, the leadership of the Rev. Albert B. Cleavage Jr., practices that create freedom and much more.
“We actually created and lived a lifestyle that was counter to the destructive behaviors facing mankind today,” McIntosh said. “High school mass killings, mental instability, greed in government and religious institutions, violence in Black communities and the suburbs, all point to a world of human alienation that is out of alignment with the greater divine system.”
The information and lessons shared inside the book can prove informative for readers of all backgrounds.
“The intended audience includes the Black church, schools of theology, the next generation (African Americans, ages 15 to 50), and the general population of any race and religion,” McIntosh said.
It’s the author’s hope that her book proves to be inspiring to readers on their journeys to help solve the injustices of the world.
“I hope that readers will gain knowledge that the shrines of the Black Madonna did not just preach, we acted. There is no faith without works,” McIntosh said. “The shrine purchased buildings and used them to educate children in reading, mathematics and computer skills; residence halls where families could live; communal dining halls for meals; bookstores and cultural centers to learn African and African American history; meditation centers for spiritual growth; and nurseries.”
In addition to being an author, McIntosh is an educator. She is also the founder of Child Focused Consulting. She is based in Farmington Hills, Michigan. For more information about the author, her work and upcoming speaking engagements, visit
“Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation” is available for $17.99 (softback) or $24.99 (hardcover) via, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Alibris, Thrift books and more book selling outlets.