BOOK CORNER: New memoir tells author’s story of triumph, forgiveness

By Marissa Wells

Contributing Writer

“Chaos in Color: A Memoir of Childhood Trauma and Forgiveness,” by R. Layla Salek, is a moving memoir chronicling the author’s life from birth through her late 40s. She details the trauma she experienced and the relationship she had with her single, mentally ill mother.

The memoir was inspired by the author’s relationship with her mother.

“I wanted to detail my experiences for my mother and finally have the tough conversations with her,” Salek said. “Consequently, the stories came as they wanted to be told and in the style they wanted me to tell them.”

Within the book, Salek explores the trauma she experienced, how she processed and carried it into adulthood and the impact it’s had on her life.

“Growing up in Texas, I was essentially at the mercy of my mother’s bipolar swings, of an incompetent mental health system and of the subsequent strangers/families with which I was left,” Salek said.

She said saw value in sharing her journey with others.

“I wanted others to understand if I can forgive the trauma I experienced from birth to 15 years of age, then they too can forgive anyone for anything,” Salek said. “I truly believe our purpose on this planet is to love and forgive.”

“Chaos in Color” should interest readers who have experienced a parent or family member with mental illness or experienced childhood trauma. 

“I want readers to understand that hurt people hurt people unconsciously and unintentionally, and especially if they have no one to help them heal,” Salek said. “They are hurting significantly on the inside for whatever reason, and it is spilling onto those around them. Whomever God put in our orbit, we need to help them heal and evolve. We should never leave anyone behind. Forgive and help those you love.”

In addition to being an author, Salek is a retired psychologist who trained professionals and parents in behavior psychology techniques to help children with behavioral disorders. She is also a photographer. 

Salek is based in Houston. For more information about the author and her work, visit or Instagram @laylasusie.

“Chaos in Color: A Memoir of Childhood Trauma and Forgiveness” is available for $19.95 (print edition), $9.31 (audiobook), and $8.99 (Kindle edition) anywhere books are sold.
