Early inmate release causes firefighter shortage in California

By Emily Jo Wharry, Contributing Writer

L.A. museums are losing millions in admission revenue, according to the group that operates the Natural History Museum in Exposition Park.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, which typically relies on inmates to fight wildfires, is facing a shortage of firefighters due to the early release of incarcerated individuals who were at risk of contracting COVID-19. — CBS Sacramento

Although L.A. County remains on the state’s coronavirus watchlist, neighboring counties’ gradual return to normalcy may serve as a useful comparison for gauging L.A.’s ability to reopen businesses and schools. — Patch Los Angeles

In a letter to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, Inspector General Max Huntsman reported that sheriff’s deputies are not wearing proper face masks while on duty. — LAist

The National History Museums of Los Angeles County anticipate a $13 million loss in revenue due to COVID-19 closures. — CBS Los Angeles
