Landlord convicted of unlawful use of building

Wave Wire Services

LOS ANGELES — A man who illegally operated hostels out of two rent-stabilized apartments in Hollywood was convicted of unlawful use of a building and sentenced to probation, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer announced Sept. 8.

According to Feuer’s office, Ilya Shilov, who could not immediately be reached for comment, was operating a 33-bed hostel in a two-bedroom apartment at 1416 Martel Ave., and a 15-bed hostel in a one-bedroom apartment at 7032 Lanewood Ave.

The city began receiving complaints about the Martel Avenue hostel starting in July 2020, with police calling on the apartment 177 times, according to the City Attorney’s Office.

This was an outrage in so many ways,” Feuer said. “The defendant took precious rent-stabilized units off the market, packing dozens of customers into small spaces. And those customers were constant headaches for rent-paying residents next door with all-night parties, fights and evidence of drug use. We had to put a stop to all of it.”

The city inspected the Martel apartment and issued an order to comply.

While the city was preparing a criminal case involving that property, Los Angeles Housing Department inspectors found the other illegally operated hostel on Lanewood, according to Feuer’s office.

Shilov was convicted on three misdemeanor counts of unlawful use of a building other than what was permitted in the zone without applying for and securing the required permits and licenses. He was sentenced to a year of summary probation, 15 days community labor and a $500 fine. The hostel operations were ordered to cease.
