Library offers virtual tutoring, job prep


Wave Staff Report

SOUTH LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Public Library and local nonprofit Dynasty United Youth Association have launched a new program for underserved youth.

A virtual Accelerated Learning Program Service is now available for South L.A. students.

The program was designed to support local students affected by school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic to access the free educational support program weekdays from noon to 8:00 p.m., through June 5.

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The program features one-on-one tutoring support, homework assistance, mental health counseling, mentoring sessions, STEM group educational services, and other supportive services.

For more information, visit and click on the Student Application link.

‘Street Love’ giveaway

planned for seniors

CARSON — Shannon Jackson, a nurse professional, entrepreneur and advocate of the community, has partnered with Prevailing In Christ Ministries to host her third “Street Love” community event.

It will take place at the Carson church, 1609 E. Del Amo Blvd., from noon to 2 p.m. Sept. 19.

Entertainer and comedian Larry ‘Lala’ Lanehart will co-host the event.

Jackson will cater 60 free lunches for 60 pre-selected seniors from the church.

in honor of September being National Fall Prevention Awareness Month.

LMU to host

justice film festival

LOS ANGELES — This year’s eighth annual Justice on Trial Film Festival will be showcased as a five-day online event in collaboration with Loyola Marymount University.

The festival, hosted by local nonprofit A New Way of Life Reentry Project, will occur Sept. 17-21.

Each day, a full-length feature film will be exhibited. They include: “Pushout” (Sept. 17), “Belly of the Beast (Sept. 18), “The Third Strike” (Sept. 19), “Aggie” (Sept. 20), and “The Gathering” (Sept. 21).

A short film will also be displayed before each feature from “Hidden Lives Illuminated,” a collection of animated short films created by currently-incarcerated artists living in Pennsylvania correctional institutions.

Tickets are free of charge. To register for access or to view a complete list of films and a full schedule of events, visit

Street restoration

begins on Crenshaw

SOUTH LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will begin making street renovations and implement lane closures on Crenshaw Boulevard.

All renovations and lane closures will occur from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. beginning Sept. 14 through Sept. 25.

There will be daily closures of northbound and southbound lanes on Crenshaw Boulevard, along with eastbound and westbound intersections.

One traffic lane will remain open in each direction. Parking restrictions will also be implemented during the work activity.

For more information, visit

Prostate cancer

event scheduled

CRENSHAW — The West Angeles Church Brotherhood Organization  and the Prostate Cancer Foundation have partnered to host the third annual “How Much Do You Know About Prostate Cancer?” a virtual event from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Sept. 19.

In honor of September being Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the event will raise awareness about prostate cancer among the high-risk population, Black men.

The 90-minute virtual webinar will discuss disparities, risk factors, early detection, the latest research and treatment options, survival, and lifestyle choices such as healthy eating.

Actor and PCF celebrity ambassador Harry Lennix, from the TV drama, “The Blacklist,” will speak about the importance of prostate cancer screening and knowing the risks.

Registration is mandatory. For more information and to register, visit   

Restaurants named

award finalists

SOUTH LOS ANGELES — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has chosen two local minority-owned restaurants for its annual Dream Big Awards, South LA Café and Dulan’s Soul Food Kitchen. 

South LA Café is a coffeehouse and mini-market located near the corner of Western Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard.

The café was selected for the Emerging Business Achievement Award.

Dulan’s Soul Food Kitchen has been serving traditional soul food in a cafeteria-style dining experience in Los Angeles since 1999.

Award winners will be announced at the Dream Big Awards on Oct. 15.

Compiled by Alysha Conner.

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