STREET BEAT: ‘Do you have confidence in our elected officials?’

Compiled by Cynthia Gibson in Leimert Park.


Evangela Anderson
Los Angeles
“I’ve been in shock ever since Trump was elected president. … Then to hear what happened in City Hall, I’m losing more and more confidence.”
Barbara Gillory
Los Angeles
“I feel happy that we’re now able to see what goes on behind those doors and see what people are thinking. It gives us an opportunity to do something about it.”
Margaret Ryan Kreeger
Huntington Beach
“I have absolutely zero confidence in our elected officials. It saddens me tremendously to think that this great country is being led by people who don’t know what they’re doing.”
Josef Lord
Los Angeles
“I have more confidence in the newer public officials than the ones that have been in active service for a while. The newer and younger group are a little less jaded.”
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