STREET BEAT: ‘Do you think Daylight Saving Time is necessary?’

Compiled by Cynthia Gibson in Culver City.

Darryl Thomas
I think that we should still have it based on the fact that it does get lighter earlier. Also, it’s been working. … I think daylight savings time is essential for us right now.”
Juan Mendoza
Los Angeles
“I’m unbiased. It doesn’t affect me. I’m a night person, day person. I’m a people person. I go wherever life takes me, whether it’s light or dark.”
Jorge Barreto
Los Angeles
“This time that we have now, I love it. The days are a little longer and for me it’s better because I can just work more. … In my opinion, they should keep this all the time.”
Janet Michaels
Temple City
They should obliterate it. It’s not necessary any more. They can’t make it permanent because then it would be too dark in the mornings for kids to go to school in the winter.”