Opinion News Street BeatSTREET BEAT: ‘Does President Biden deserves his low approval ratings?’ Wave Staff DonAugust 4, 202201 mins Compiled by Cynthia Gibson at the Kenneth Hahn Recreation Area. Judith CunninghamCulver City“I don’t think he deserves it. I say that because Trump got us in such a mess and Biden now has to clean up that mess plus some more messes. I think he’s done a better job than they’re giving him credit for.” Yvonne FranklinCulver City“No. Presidents have to deal with what was left before, so it’s not entirely his fault. He could do better, but a lot of it there’s nothing he can do.” Bruce JohnsonClaremont“No, because there are too many variables at play that are out of his control.” Post navigation Previous: BOOK CORNER: Battles of American West are focus of historical novelNext: Walk of Fame improvements coming in 2023
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