Marian Cledge
Culver City
“I don’t necessarily consider it a bail-out. From what I hear, it was based on fear and panic and they had to avoid a run on the banks. … People were panicking and it could’ve gone bad fast.”
Joseph Williams
Los Angeles
“No, because they wouldn’t do that for the small banks. Let the banks that you and me bank at run out of money. Then all of a sudden, they can’t afford it.”
Jade Parker
Los Angeles
“I think it sends the wrong message to people and the banks. They’ve made it harder for people to declare bankruptcy, but big banks get bailed out.”
Eldridge Sampson
Los Angeles
“I don’t think it was a good idea because now other big banks will do the same. That bank was being investigated and the government didn’t do nothing.”
Compiled by Cynthia Gibson in Westchester.