Opinion News Street BeatSTREET BEAT: ‘What are you most thankful for this year?’ Wave Staff DonNovember 23, 202202 mins Compiled by Cynthia Gibson in Baldwin Hills. Joseph GibsonLos Angeles“Being around my family and having more turkey and dressing.” Kimberly WatersLos Angeles“First and foremost, I’m thankful to God. My family, health, wealth and job, friends, being able to walk, talk, see, hear and hopefully for more prosperity. I’m thankful for it all.” Barbara McO’NeilLos Angeles“Life. Life is so precious. We have to cherish every moment and try to make an impact and uplift people wherever we can. Especially with all the negativity that’s going on in the world today.” Elicia Patrice PetersCorona“It’s stereotypical, but I’m grateful for my family. Every misstep, every flaw, it’s OK with me. I’m still going to roll with my family.” Post navigation Previous: Bass says she’s ready to tackle homelessness issueNext: SPOTLIGHT ON L.A.: Wende Museum brings the Cold War to Culver City
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