Wave Staff Report
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia and is in need of help, below is a list of resources.
Alzheimer’s LA (Alzheimer’sla.org) (844) 435-7259, email help@alzheimersla.org
Alzheimer’s Association (Alz.org) (800) 272-3900
Actively Caring Through Sharing (Actscsg.org) (323) 296-2975
City of Los Angeles Department of Aging (https://aging.lacity.org/) (213) 482-7252
USC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Brain Research Program (adrc.usc.edu)
(323) 442-7600
Lewy Body Dementia Association (lbda.org) (404) 418-7396
Mary S Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research at UCLA (eastonad.ucla.edu/patientscaregivers/) (310) 794-6039
Los Angeles County Area Agency on Aging (wdacs.lacounty.gov) (213) 738-2600
Administration on Aging (aoa.gov)
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (hhs.gov)
Covered California (coveredca.com)
Social Security Administration (ssa.gov) (800) 772-1213
California Association of Adult Day Services (caads.org)
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) (888) 678-4477
National Institutes of Health (https://www.nih.gov)
Susan Atkins, Resource Advisor for Seniors and Elderly (laderasunrise@gmail.com (310) 597-3049
Alzheimer’s Los Angeles Care Counseling Program (@alzheimersla) (844) 435-7259
USC Family Caregiver Support Center (fcscgero.org) (855) 872-6060
Department of Mental Health (dmh.lacounty.gov) (800) 854-7771
A Place for Mom Referrals (aplaceformom.com) (888) 857-0796
Kaiser Permanente Hospice (323) 783-7416
Los Angeles Hospice (213) 389-4700
California Hospice Foundation (cahospicefoundation.org)
Hospice Foundation of America (hospicefoundation.org)
National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (nhpco.org)
Southern California Senior Resources Referrals (socalseniors.com) (866) 697-3646
Nursing Home Compare (medicare.gov/NHCompare/Home)
California Department of Social Services (ccld.ca.gov)
Social Security Medicare Varnessa Aaron-Seymour (949) 351-8137
National Institute on Aging (https://www.nia.nih.gov/) (800) 438-4380
California Department of Health Care Services (dhcs.ca.gov)
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Memory & Aging Center (323) 442-5775
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Department of Neurology (310) 423-6472
Kaiser Permanente West LA Geriatric Medicine (310) 915-4550
CalQualityCare (calqualitycare.org)
Affordable Living for the Aging Housing Alternatives for Seniors (323) 650-7988
City of Los Angeles Housing Dept. (866) 557-7368
LA Foodbank (lafoodbank.org/get-help/pantry-locator)
Los Angeles County Health & Nutrition Hotline (877) 597-4777
Los Angeles Regional Foodbank Brown Bag Program (323) 234-3030
Meals on Wheels of West Los Angeles (310) 208-4028
St. Vincent Meals on Wheels (213) 484-7775
Meals On Wheels West (310) 394-5133
Brain, Behavior, and Aging Research Center (semel.ucla.edu/alzheimers) (310) 478-3711, ext. 54437
University of Southern California (adrc.usc.edu) (323) 442-7686
Access Services Los Angeles County Provides transportation for disabled individuals including people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias
(800) 827-0829
Alzheimer’s LA and Actively Caring Through Sharing assisted in compiling this list.