Where to go for help with Alzheimer’s

Wave Staff Report

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia and is in need of help, below is a list of resources.

Alzheimer’s LA (Alzheimer’sla.org) (844) 435-7259, email help@alzheimersla.org

Alzheimer’s Association (Alz.org) (800) 272-3900

Actively Caring Through Sharing (Actscsg.org) (323) 296-2975

City of Los Angeles Department of Aging (https://aging.lacity.org/) (213) 482-7252

USC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Brain Research Program (adrc.usc.edu)

(323) 442-7600

Lewy Body Dementia Association (lbda.org) (404) 418-7396

Mary S Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research at UCLA (eastonad.ucla.edu/patientscaregivers/) (310) 794-6039

Los Angeles County Area Agency on Aging (wdacs.lacounty.gov) (213) 738-2600

Administration on Aging (aoa.gov)

U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (hhs.gov)

Covered California (coveredca.com)

Social Security Administration (ssa.gov) (800) 772-1213

California Association of Adult Day Services (caads.org)

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) (888) 678-4477

National Institutes of Health (https://www.nih.gov)

Susan Atkins, Resource Advisor for Seniors and Elderly (laderasunrise@gmail.com (310) 597-3049

Alzheimer’s Los Angeles Care Counseling Program (@alzheimersla) (844) 435-7259

USC Family Caregiver Support Center (fcscgero.org) (855) 872-6060

Department of Mental Health (dmh.lacounty.gov) (800) 854-7771

A Place for Mom Referrals (aplaceformom.com) (888) 857-0796

Kaiser Permanente Hospice (323) 783-7416

Los Angeles Hospice (213) 389-4700

California Hospice Foundation (cahospicefoundation.org)

Hospice Foundation of America (hospicefoundation.org)

National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (nhpco.org)

Southern California Senior Resources Referrals (socalseniors.com) (866) 697-3646

Nursing Home Compare (medicare.gov/NHCompare/Home)

California Department of Social Services (ccld.ca.gov)

Social Security Medicare Varnessa Aaron-Seymour (949) 351-8137

National Institute on Aging (https://www.nia.nih.gov/) (800) 438-4380

California Department of Health Care Services (dhcs.ca.gov)

Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Memory & Aging Center (323) 442-5775

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Department of Neurology (310) 423-6472

Kaiser Permanente West LA Geriatric Medicine (310) 915-4550

CalQualityCare (calqualitycare.org)

Affordable Living for the Aging Housing Alternatives for Seniors (323) 650-7988

City of Los Angeles Housing Dept. (866) 557-7368

LA Foodbank (lafoodbank.org/get-help/pantry-locator)

Los Angeles County Health & Nutrition Hotline (877) 597-4777

Los Angeles Regional Foodbank Brown Bag Program (323) 234-3030

Meals on Wheels of West Los Angeles (310) 208-4028

St. Vincent Meals on Wheels (213) 484-7775

Meals On Wheels West (310) 394-5133

Brain, Behavior, and Aging Research Center (semel.ucla.edu/alzheimers) (310) 478-3711, ext. 54437

University of Southern California (adrc.usc.edu) (323) 442-7686

Access Services Los Angeles County Provides transportation for disabled individuals including people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias

(800) 827-0829

Alzheimer’s LA and Actively Caring Through Sharing assisted in compiling this list.
