BOOK CORNER: Author shares her method of reaching intimacy in new book

By Marissa Wells, Contributing Writer

“The Future of Sex,” by Karina Velasco and Lawrence Lanoff, is a new guide book that will send readers on a journey of self-discovery that includes personal development, spirituality and sexuality.

As a transformation coach, Velasco was inspired to create this book by her workshop participants.

“After teaching these tools for seven years with Lawrence, our students asked us if we had a method they could follow at home and continue to expand their knowledge and transformation with Sex Energy and that is how we decided it was time to write it down and to offer to the world a new narrative about sexuality,” Velasco said.

In “The Future of Sex,” readers will learn about communication, setting boundaries, identifying what one desires in a relationship, how to identify and navigate the foundation of your inner resources and more.

This is Velasco’s seventh book and it includes the method she has worked for many years, the Yorgasmic Method.

“Overall it was our own experience and embodiment of the method in our own lives and to have solid results of our method with our students and private clients,” Velasco said. “It was a beautiful and fun process to put into words our energetic skills in a practical and easy way to understand and follow up, having efficient results.”

“The Future of Sex” is intended for “anyone who has an open mind and wants to be more free, open and live in pleasure,” Velasco added.

Velasco hopes readers gain a new perspective and create deeper connections to enhance the pleasure in their lives after finishing the book.

“A new perspective of sexuality, to understand where they are at, and how to use this energy in its multiple benefits,” said the author. “We hope as they discover their energy, they have more personal power, confidence and have a clear understanding of what types of relationships and life they want to create.”

In addition to being an author, she is a speaker, workshop facilitator, healer, and transformation coach. To learn more about the author and her method visit and the She is based in Los Angeles.

“The Future of Sex” is available for $17.95 (paperback) and $9.99 (e-book) on Amazon.
