BOOK CORNER: New book reveals secrets to mother-daughter relations

Wave Staff Report

In their compelling new book, “The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps to Bring Back the Love,” bestselling author Leslie Glass and her daughter, award-winning documentarian Lindsey Glass, offer readers a four-step process for repairing fractures in their mother-daughter relationships.

“When mothers and daughters don’t communicate in loving ways, misunderstandings lead to heartbreak. At the end of the day, we all just want to love and be loved,” Leslie Glass said.

Through sharing their own tumultuous history with candor, the Glasses help readers understand that even if mothers and daughters go off track, go to war and part ways for years, they can still find their way back to friendship, understanding and love.

“It wasn’t until I wrote this book that I fully understood my mom’s experience as a woman and a parent,” Lindsey Glass said. “Writing brought a new level of compassion and healing to our relationship.”

Through storytelling, writing prompts, and actionable information, the authors share their secret sauce for healing, broken down into four steps: revealing one’s backstory, exploring emotional and personality styles, understanding conflicts and triggers and learning the tools to restore the love

By following these steps, readers can repair their fractured relationships, keep them strong and discover a positive pathway to peace — no matter how far apart they feel they are.

“It’s an interactive, transformative experience,” Lindsey Glass said. “We will change your perspective, hopefully for the better.”

“I have never seen a book quite like this,” said Deborah Sweet, a psychologist and trauma specialist. “Reading the perspectives of both mother and daughter was a unique experience. When we are ‘in it,’ it is hard to see past our pain. 

“Leslie and Lindsey widened the lens on mother-daughter relationships so we could see not only the complexity of the problems, but also the journey to repair them. This makeover is a great book on making up with excellent exercises and thought-provoking writing prompts. For best results, I recommend both mother and daughter read it simultaneously and see what happens.”

Leslie and Lindsey Glass are editors of the popular online recovery and wellness magazine Reach Out Recovery. Together, they produced the award-winning documentary “The Secret World of Recovery” and the WEDU/ PBS special “The Silent Majority.”

“The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps to Bring Back the Love,” published by HCI Books, is available wherever books are sold.
