New Column To Tackle COVID, Health Issues

LOS ANGELES – A new medical column called “Rx Report” debuts in the Wave this week designed to tackle questions about COVID-19 and other community health and wellness issues, officials announced this week.

Written by veteran journalist Marie Lemelle, the column will publish interviews with leading medical and wellness experts who will answer pressing questions about COVID-19 and share relevant insights about other community health matters, officials said.

“We think this new column will equip readers with essential news and information that’s critical during these challenging and unprecedented times,” said Gregory J. Huskisson, the Wave’s vice president of content and audience.

“Our mission here, as always, is clear: to continue giving readers substantive and compelling content that helps them live better informed and more empowered lives,” he added. “We’re happy to have Marie in our rotation of columnists and we look forward to receiving reader feedback on her Rx Report.”

Lemelle, an award-winning writer and public relations executive, said she wants the column to “help cut through the clutter of a tsunami of medical information” about COVID-19 and other health issues.

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“My hope is that the Rx Report will spark readers’ curiosity, bring new insights and inspire a heightened interest in health and wellness,” Lemelle said. “I’m super excited to share compelling information with Wave readers each week and I hope readers will reach out and share their ideas, questions and comments.”

The new feature debuts this week on Page 2, where it will be anchored most weeks. To recommend a candidate to be interviewed for Rx Report — or to propose a question or topic — email us at
