Remodeling work completed on two Downey fire stations

DOWNEY — Remodeling the city’s four fire stations has reached the halfway mark as the Downey City  Council July 14 formally accepted work done at Stations 1 and 3 and reviewed a contract for renovations at Stations 2 and 4.

The council delayed a decision until its July 28 meeting on a proposal to hire Hoffman Management and Construction Corp., lowest of 11 bidders, to do the work at Stations 2 and 4 for an estimated total of more than $6 million, a city clerk spokesperson said.

Other bidders have objected to the proposed Hoffman contract, which was recommended for approval by staff.

If approved, construction is scheduled to start in August and be completed in late February, Assistant City Manager John Oskoui said.

Oskoui said fire crews from Stations 1 and 3 have returned to their newly remodeled and enlarged facilities from a temporary site on Bellflower Boulevard while crews from stations 2 and 4 have vacated their facilities and moved into the temporary location.

Fire Stations 1 and 3 are at 12222 Paramount Blvd. and 9900 Paramount Blvd. respectively. Stations 2 and 4 are at 9556 Imperial Highway and 9349 Florence Ave.

In a written report to the council, Oskoui said the cost estimated for Station 2 is $2.76 million and $3.24 million for Station 4.

Work at Station 2 includes expanding the building from the current 3,047 square feet to 6,791 square feet, an enlarged apparatus bay, replacement of existing shared dorm rooms, restrooms and showers with seven single occupancy dorm rooms and restrooms.

There would be new or remodeled support spaces including an exercise room, dayroom, kitchen and dining area, Oskoui said in his report.

Station 4 would include expansion from the current, 3,793 square feet to 7,693 square feet plus similar bay and living facility upgrades as Station 2.

Oskoui said work at Station 1 cost about $6.4 million while Station 3 construction totaled about $4.4 million.

PCN3 was contracted for the two projects and began work in early June 2019, completing the two sites in March of this year.

Oskoui said work at Station 1 included remodeling the original one-story building and adding a second story, thus providing 13 individual dorm rooms sharing several bathrooms as opposed to one sleeping room and one restroom /shower room in the original building.

The project also included an enlarged apparatus bay for firefighting equipment, a modernized day room, exercise room, kitchen and separate dining area, also a new dispatch center and a remodeled annex building.

For Station 3, work was similar, including adding a floor to the one-story building, expanding a shared seven-person dorm with bathroom and shower to seven individual sleeping quarters, several restrooms and expanded living facilities similar to Station 1.

The fire station upgrades were part of a $50 million project to upgrade the city library, city hall, police station and several parks.

The bonds to finance construction will be paid off with part of a 1% sales tax hike approved by voters in November 2016; and expected to bring in $7.5 million a year.

Officials have said they will use $4.5 million annually to pay off the bonds.

Projects still under way include extensive interior and exterior remodeling of the library in the civic center complex, 11111 Brookshire Ave.; plus expanding the police station facilities and parking to allow for hiring 10 additional police officers.

Work also continues on a project to remodel Wilderness Park, plus draining and refilling the lake there and returning wildlife to the site.

Oskoui said the civic center work should be completed in October and the park in November.

By Arnold Adler

Contributing Writer
