BOOK CORNER: Cartoon-style book shares substitute teaching journeys

By Marissa Wells

Contributing Writer

“Mrs. White’s Sub Snips” by Laura Moss White is a funny, new, cartoon-style book based on the author’s real-life journey as a substitute teacher.

“It’s like little stories, snips or snapshots of the crazy things that go on in a substitute’s daily work,” the author said.

With its humorous variety of white and black comic squares, “Mrs. White’s Snub Snips” can also serve as an adult coloring book.

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“Mrs. White’s Sub Snips” was inspired by the ups and downs White experienced during her 15 years of substitute teaching grades kindergarten through 12th grade.

For White, it was important to create a book that highlighted the work of substitute teachers.

“It provided an opportunity to share my experiences in a fun and relatable way and to dedicate my book to the brave, hard-working, and under-appreciated men and women who keep the schools’ classrooms running when teachers are absent,” White said.

Some of the experiences shared inside the book include misperceptions of being a substitute teacher, the lack of support from administration and other teachers, the social class division towards substitute teachers and more.

“Readers will encounter a humorous variety of black-and-white comic squares featuring scenes of tantalizing gossip, acts of favoritism, territorial tantrums and frustrations with administration,” White said.

“Mrs. White’s Sub Snips” is intended for a wide audience.

“Educators, administration, substitute teachers, and anyone who has tortured a sub in school…,” White said.

It’s White’s hope that readers gain an appreciation for substitute teachers after reading her book.

“There are stigmas associated with being a sub, like struggling financially, or being the ‘walking wounded,’” White said. “By sharing my experiences in a fun way, I hope to make you laugh at surprising and sometimes shocking work situations that happen every day in the life of a sub.”

In addition to being an author, she is an adapted physical education teacher with Los Angeles Unified School District. She is based in Los Angeles. To learn more about the author and her work visit

“Mrs. White’s Sub Snips” is available for $9.99 online via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and The book is also available online and in store at Vroman’s Book Store.
